
The Legal Division consists of the General Counsel, two attorneys, a paralegal specialist and a legal secretary. The Division represents the Staff in evidentiary hearings held before the Commission in which the Staff is a party and acts as legal advisor to the Commission in cases where the Staff is not a party. Also, in certain cases where attorneys in this Division act as a party, another attorney of this Division may serve in an advisory role to the Commission. 

The Division provides advisory services to the Executive Director of the Staff, the members of the Staff and to the Commission. The Division also prepares legal opinions and memorandums on all matters under the Commission's jurisdiction. The Division prepares written reports and recommended orders for the Commission's consideration. The Division assists the Commission with issues related to rulemaking and revision of rules and reviews legislation that may impact the Commission's regulation of the various types of public utilities operating within the State of Mississippi.

The Division supervises the procedural and legal aspects of cases on behalf of the Staff; prepares cases for evidentiary hearings, including conducting discovery, attending prehearing conferences for negotiation purposes and potential settlement of matters; presenting staff positions and testimony and cross-examining other parties' witnesses. In conjunction with the various technical staff members, this Division provides recommendations to the Commission.

The Division serves as counsel for the Commission in matters before the various federal agencies, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The Division's participation at FERC is important since FERC regulates the wholesale rates of Grand Gulf I, as well as Entergy and the Southern Company. Therefore, FERC opinions directly impact the ratepayers of Mississippi.

The Division keeps the Commission and the Staff members apprised of current developments and issues affecting all aspects of public utility regulation and alerts the Commission and the Staff members of deadlines for which action must be taken.

Inquiries handled by the Division are numerous and cover subjects as broad as the Commission's jurisdiction and beyond. These inquiries come from the public, the Commissioners, staff members, the Mississippi legislature, agencies of Mississippi, other states and businesses regulated by the Commission.


  • General Counsel - Emily Kruger
    emily.kruger [at] - 601-961-5471
  • Senior Attorney - VACANT